Free Novel Read

Mistaken Identity

  Mistaken Identity

  By Donna Jay

  Copyright © 2018 Donna Jay

  Cover Image – shutterstock 352461434

  All rights reserved. Except for the use of brief quotations in any review or critical article, the reproduction or utilisation of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, is forbidden without prior written permission from the author, Donna Jay.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental .


  Heartfelt thanks go to my beta readers for whipping this story into shape.

  Kim, thank you for being my constant champion. Although on the other side of the world, you were always only a message away.

  Robert, thank you for catching those pesky misused words, especially when you weren’t sure if they were kiwi-isms or just flat out wrong.

  Linda, thank you for your eagle eye, and giving this story a final lick of polish.

  Chapter 1

  Excited about the night ahead, Kelly stared at her reflection in the bedroom mirror, giving herself the once over with a critical eye. Thanks to genetics and a smooth complexion, she didn’t need much makeup; a touch of lippy to darken her pale pink lips, a flick of blue-black mascara to highlight the blue of her eyes, and she was good to go.

  The beep of her hair straightener made Kelly curse herself. It wasn’t the first time she’d almost left the damn thing on. Most of the time, she wore her hair pulled back in a ponytail.

  Tonight though, she intended to use every asset she had to seduce Paula. The mere thought of dragging the long, silky locks across Paula’s naked flesh made her lick her lips.

  Anxious to get a move along, because God knew Paula hated to be kept waiting, Kelly smoothed down her dress and stepped into the living room.

  The small flat she shared with her best friend, Nicole, was compact and homely. Kitchen, bathroom, toilet, two bedrooms, no hallway.

  From her seat on the sofa, Nicole let out a shrill whistle. “Check you out, girlfriend. Paula won’t be able to resist you in that little black dress.”

  “Glad you approve.” Silky locks of long, brown hair fanned out and tickled Kelly’s shoulders as she spun in a circle.

  “What’re you doing tonight?” she asked, coming to a stop.

  Nicole leapt to her feet. “Not what, but who, baby.” She shot Kelly a saucy wink. “Steve and I have the flat to ourselves so we’re going to get busy.”

  The excited tone of her voice was infectious. With a little bit of luck, and some liquid courage, before the night was out Kelly would be getting her kink on too.

  The angry blare of a car horn had her tossing her house key into her clutch purse and cutting a fast track to the front door. Spotting her summer jacket on the arm of the chair, she snagged it as she dashed past .

  Temperatures were seasonably warm for February, but nights often cooled off quickly and Kelly was far from a fan of the cold.

  Nicole clapped her hands like a drill sergeant. “Chop, chop. Don’t keep madam waiting.”

  Although the words were accompanied by a smile, Kelly didn’t miss the contempt lurking in Nicole’s eyes. It was no secret Nicole barely tolerated Paula. But being the best friend that she was, most of the time, she played nice.

  “Behave.” Kelly blew a kiss over her shoulder and hightailed it down the driveway.

  The passenger door flew open at the same time as she reached the roadside.

  “Hi.” Kelly climbed in and buckled up, the leather seats cool against the back of her legs. “Thanks for the lift.”

  “Any time. I’d rather pick you up than have you riding around on that death trap.” Paula squeezed Kelly’s thigh before putting the car in gear. “This way I get to admire your gorgeous legs.”

  Choosing to ignore the dig about her motorcycle, something that tended to piss Kelly off, she fiddled with the air vent trying to angle the air freshener away from her. The citrusy sweet scent made her feel sick. Another reason she preferred her motorcycle over Paula’s shiny red sports car.

  “So, who’ll be there tonight?”

  Coming to a stop at an intersection, Paula turned to Kelly. “The usual, friends and a few work colleagues.”

  A beat-up sedan whizzed by, then the road was clear, but Paula’s foot remained on the brake.

  She turned to Kelly, eyes alive with excitement. “I wanted to surprise you. Remember my friend, Ashleigh?”


  Kelly had heard all about Paula’s best friend, and how much Paula had missed her since she’d moved away with her fiancé. Greg was it?

  A car toot-tooted behind them.

  Paula glared in the rear-view mirror. “Hold your horses, mister.” She let her foot off the brake and coasted forward.

  The urge to chuckle bubbled up inside Kelly. Paula acted so hoity-toity. Most of the time it was comical. Other times, Kelly wanted to tell her to lighten up.

  Surely giving over control would help to mellow her out. It’s not like anyone else needed to know. Paula could keep up appearances outside the bedroom.

  “As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, Ashleigh and Craig are...”

  “I thought it was Greg,” Kelly blurted out.

  Paula’s perfectly shaped eyebrows drew together. “Craig, Greg, who cares? Ashleigh’s in town.”

  The scowl gave way to a grin. “I’m so excited you’ll finally get to meet her. I just know she’s going to love you. Oh, and please try not to swear, dear.”

  And here we go again .

  Kelly resisted the urge to groan. How the hell Paula managed to add a cutting comment to any compliment was beyond her. Just because Kelly was only twenty-five didn’t mean she swore like a trooper. Even though right then she felt like letting loose with a few choice words.

  Kelly drew a cross over her heart. “I promise to be on my best behaviour…in front of your friends.” Kn owing exactly how to soften Paula up, she ran her hand under Paula’s knee length skirt. “But all bets are off behind closed doors.”

  Goose bumps broke out on Paula’s skin. Kelly revelled in her reaction.

  “A lady on the streets, a tiger between the sheets.” Paula winked as she pulled up the driveway and parked in the garage adjoining her expansive three-bedroom house.

  Her boarder, Grace, who was making her name as a sought-after photographer, would probably be out shooting a wedding. With any luck, Paula’s other boarder, Lucy, would be home. She was one of those people others tended to gravitate toward, and Kelly was no exception.

  Not for the first time, Kelly wondered if Paula couldn’t afford to pay the mortgage on her income alone. Something Kelly doubted considering Paula was the CEO of a large retail chain. Perhaps she didn’t like her own company, which seemed more likely considering it wasn’t often Kelly got to spend time alone with Paula .

  Either way, Kelly wasn’t rude enough to ask. If her parents had taught her one thing, inquiring about someone’s income was the epitome of bad manners.

  “Come on, you can help me finish getting the finger food ready before the guests arrive.”

  Kelly suppressed a groan. As much as she loved working in a busy café, the thought of spending her night off doing more of the same wasn’t what she’d anticipated.

  Injecting some enthusiasm into her voice, Kelly smiled sweetly. “Sure. What can I do to help?”


  Later that night, Kelly stood in the kitchen chatting to Lucy, watching Paula drag her friend from one person to another.

  Lucy nudged Kelly’s shoulder
, nodding in Paula’s direction. “You been ditched?”

  Kelly pegged Lucy to be in her late twenties. She was a stunning woman; dark complexion, jet black hair, and piercing green eyes.

  “Nah, not ditched, just shelved for a while. I don’t mind, her friend seems nice.”

  At least from what Kelly could gather from their interaction before Paula whisked her away.

  After taking a swig of her beer, Kelly bumped shoulders with Lucy, returning a not so subtle nudge.

  “What about you? Why haven’t you been swept off your feet?”

  Looking totally relaxed, and not at all offended by the question, Lucy crossed her ankles and leaned against the fridge. “I haven’t met the right guy or...”

  Without thought, Kelly blurted out, “Or girl?”

  Lucy waggled her eyebrows. “Are you coming onto me?”

  Heat flared in Kelly’s cheeks. “Oh, God, no. I meant…” What the hell had she meant? She could always count on good old booze to loosen her tongue. Kelly shut her mouth before she could put her other foot in it.

  “Lighten up, Kelly. I was only teasing. Paula would kick me out on my arse if I even looked at you sideways. Besides, I’m not sure you have the equipment I like. ”

  “Hey, there are toys for…”

  The amused expression on Lucy’s face stopped Kelly mid-sentence.

  Lucy lifted an eyebrow as if to say, “do tell.”

  Kelly shook her head and they both burst out laughing.

  A clunk echoed around the kitchen as Lucy’s empty bottle landed in the recycling bin.

  “I need to use the loo. Do you think anyone will miss me if I sneak off to bed?”

  Before Kelly could respond, Lucy’s eyes went wide, her focus on something over Kelly’s shoulder.

  “Don’t look now…”

  Of course, the minute Lucy said that, Kelly whipped her head around. Paula was heading in their direction, hips swaying, bleach blonde hair bouncing around her shoulders, and a sexy gleam in her eye. “There you are, darling.”

  The scent of wine and perfume wrapped around Kelly when Paula leaned in for a kiss. It wasn’t often she made public displays of affection, so Kelly made the most of it .

  Returning the kiss, she entwined her fingers with Paula’s. The feel of her icy cold fingers made Kelly shiver. “You’re freezing.”

  “I’ve been standing outside clutching a cold glass. What do you expect?”

  The remaining few guests had gathered on the deck, huddled around the brazier.

  Paula hiccupped and giggled. “But you’re right, it is getting chilly.”

  She twirled a lock of Kelly’s long hair around her finger and leaned in close. The feel of her warm breath on Kelly’s neck sent a tingle of anticipation racing up Kelly’s spine.

  “I need to warm up. Got any ideas?”

  Delighted, Kelly’s mind raced south. “I could think of a thing or two.” She pushed her leg between Paula’s thighs, as much as Paula’s knee length skirt would allow. “I’m sure your guests won’t miss you for a few minutes if you disappear for a quickie. I mean to get a jacket from your room.”

  The mere thought of a half-drunken fling, inhibitions lowered, made Kelly pulse with desire .

  “I like your way of thinking.” Paula licked her ruby-red lips. “Give me a second to make my excuses and I’ll meet you there.”

  Once again, Kelly was reminded of their age difference. Ten years wasn’t much in the grand scheme of things, but the women Kelly had dated closer to her own age wouldn’t think twice about keeping up appearances. In fact, her twenty-something year old friends would probably cheer them on as they sauntered out of the room.

  Not wanting to blow her chances of getting laid, Kelly discretely swatted Paula on the backside, delighted when she let out a little squeal. “Go make your excuses. I’ll meet you there in a couple of minutes.”

  Needing no further encouragement, Paula blew her an air kiss and trotted off wobbling slightly on her high-heels.

  A few minutes later, Kelly added her bottle to the pile in the recycling bin, slipped past a couple in a lip lock on the sofa, and made a beeline for Paula’s bedroom. Her pulse quickened with each step she took, images of dominating Paula overriding every other thought.

  The room was pitch-black when she stepped inside. While waiting for her vision to adjust, she leaned back against the door. As if of its own accord, her hand sought out the terry robe dangling from a hook on the door, and pulled the belt through the loops.

  Once she could make out the shape of her lover, flat on her back in the middle of the bed, Kelly slowly approached. Like an animal stalking its prey, her heart raced.

  The fact that Paula remained deathly still added to the intoxicating game of cat and mouse. Sliding onto the bed beside Paula, Kelly gently guided her lover’s arms up to the headboard. Once there, she loosely tied them together with the soft belt.

  Elated when Paula didn’t resist, and taking Paula’s non-resistance as silent approval to continue, Kelly slid down the bed and buried her head between Paula’s legs.

  The second she pulled Paula’s panties to the side, and blew on her centre, Paula’s hips twitched. Kelly’s clit reacted in kind .

  Determined to show her how enjoyable it could be to give up control, Kelly spread Paula’s labia with her thumb and forefinger, and focused her attention on licking, sucking, and caressing every inch of her exposed flesh.

  Within seconds, Paula bucked her hips and thrashed about. The headboard banged against the wall as though she was pulling against the ties. A response that pleased Kelly immensely.

  “What are you…?” Paula’s voice was barely above a whisper.

  In her beer fuddled mind, Kelly decided to turn things up a notch. “Shh, I’m in charge. Lie back and enjoy.”

  On a whim, she pulled Paula’s underwear off and pushed them into Paula’s mouth.

  Back between Paula’s legs, Kelly flung them over her shoulders. With each swipe of her tongue, Paula writhed beneath her. Her muffled moans spurred Kelly on.

  The second Kelly entered her, Paula’s back arched, her muscles clamped down on Kelly’s fingers, and her sweet release washed over Kelly’s tongue.

  Ignoring her own arousal, knowing Paula would be in a hurry to get back to her party the minute she came down from her orgasmic high, Kelly slid up Paula’s body and reached for the headboard.

  Surprise and delight shot through Kelly when she discovered the belt had come loose. Paula could’ve easily taken back control, but she hadn’t. If Kelly had been standing she would’ve done a happy dance. Deep down, she’d always suspected, hoped at least, Paula was a submissive at heart.

  “I need to go to the bathroom.” She pulled the panties out of Paula’s mouth, kissed her on the lips, and headed for the bedroom door.

  “Wow. Am I dreaming?” Paula asked, her husky voice barely recognizable.

  On the other side of the bedroom door, Kelly felt like she’d stepped out of a dream and into a nightmare.

  Horrified, she stood frozen to the spot, mouth open.

  “Hey, you look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Paula eyed her curiously.

  Paula? Kelly’s head spun. Her vision blurred. If Paula was standing there looking at her with concern in her eyes, who the hell was in the bedroom?

  Well, shit.

  Mortified, Kelly trembled. Her stomach lurched. “Look out.” She pushed past Paula, shot into the bathroom, and made it to the toilet just before the contents of her stomach made a reappearance; beer, a shot of tequila, chips and dip. Yuck.

  “You okay?” Paula asked, rubbing Kelly’s lower back.

  Groaning, Kelly heaved again. Her throat burned. Her stomach ached as though it’d been turned inside out. “I think I drank too much,” she lied, suddenly feeling very sober.

  “Oh, darling. I shouldn’t have left you on your own for so long. Come on.” She tugged on Kelly’s arm. “Come and lie down, I’ll get you a bucket.”

rm shot through Kelly. “No!”

  Holy crap, what a mess. She didn’t want to go back into Paula’s room. What if the other woman was still in there?

  Fuck, fuck, fuck .

  “I just wanna go home.” Kelly staggered to her feet, keeping up the façade of being drunk. “I’ll get a cab.”

  “Nonsense,” Paula replied. “Colette can drive you.”

  As much as Kelly would rather not spend time alone with Paula’s personal assistant, Colette, she was in no state to argue. “Sure, thanks.”

  Sticking her head out the door, Paula spoke in a hushed tone to someone who was obviously waiting to use the bathroom. “Murray, do you know where Colette is?”

  “Nope, sorry. I haven’t seen her for a while. Last we spoke, she said she had a headache and needed to lie down.”

  No, no, no. Oh please, no, not her.

  Kelly’s stomach clenched. She clutched the cool hand basin with both hands, hung her head, and focused on taking slow, deep breaths.

  “Give us a minute.” Paula closed the door and turned back to Kelly.

  The care and concern radiating in her eyes made Kelly feel like crap. Her stomach ached, her head ached, her heart ached. A part of her wanted to come clean, but what was Kelly supposed to say?

  Hey, Paula, I just cheated on you. Thing is, I’m not sure who with.

  Paula picked up a washcloth and wiped the black streaks of mascara from under Kelly’s eyes. “Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me.”

  A fresh wave of nausea washed over Kelly. She swallowed hard. “Secret?”

  “Not everyone needs to know you can’t hold your liquor. I do remember what it was like to be twenty-five.” She patted Kelly’s arm. “One day you’ll learn how to pace yourself, dear.”

  And here we go again.

  Caring one minute, condescending the next.

  “Oh, wait a minute.” Paula tapped her lip looking thoughtful. “Let me check if Grace is home. She could be in her room. I’m sure if she hasn’t been drinking she’ll be happy to give you a lift.”

  “No, please. Go back to your guests. A cab won’t cost much.”

  “You sure? Most people have left now anyway.”

  “Positive.” Kelly hung her head as she exited the bathroom.